Long Point Marina, Provincetown, MA
Long Point Marina is cornerstone property located on MacMillan Wharf, which is Provincetown’s sole commercial pier where an estimated 73,000-130,000* ferry boat passengers arrive each year from Boston and Plymouth and another 80,000-300,000* passengers depart on one of several whale watch vessels that are docked alongside the pier.
Long Point Marina located at 16 MacMillan Wharf is situated in the heart of tourist activity that generates $200* million of revenue to the community each year. The waterfront is the central attraction for visitors, estimated to number ~60,000* per day in the downtown area during the summer peak. Even more tourists and locals frequent Provincetown’s beaches where it is estimated over 1.0 million of the ~4.5* million visitors to the Cape Cod National Sea Shore come to enjoy the pristine white sand beaches.
Long Point Marina is zoned as mixed-use commercial and residential and is currently used as marina, museum and private residence. The marina has 4-6 rental slips plus ~120 linear foot face-dock and ~83 linear foot owner’s berth, both of which can provide dockage for two 80-100+ foot vessels. Additionally, the marina is permitted for 70 moorings in the outer harbor of which 19 are currently being tagged with flyers and mooring balls. The museum, which pays nominal rent, will vacate the 3,372 square foot first-floor upon the sale of the premises. The second and third floor are used as a private residence totaling 4,332 square feet and boasting panoramic views of both the harbor and town. This space is currently configured as a 3/4-bedroom, 2.5 bath, with a kitchen, an office, storage space and third-floor cupola.
The Property lends itself to countless other uses that would benefit from a large commercially zoned building combined with deep water dockage and a mooring field. Examples of alternative uses include but are not limited to: a marine related terminal, high-end yacht club or fishing club, marine-orientated or historical exhibit, private yacht dockage with seasonal residence or perhaps a restaurant as it once was used. MacMillan Wharfs celebrates a long and rich history that is interwound with the town’s dating back to even prior to the Pilgrims first landing the Mayflower on its shores in 1620. In fact, recent discoveries beneath MacMillan pier suggest the Vikings may have made shore even before the arrival of the Pilgrims.
In 2017 the Gerry E. Studds Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary concluded a feasibility study that estimated the right exhibit in only a slightly larger footprint located in MacMillan Pier parking lot could attract 260,000* visitors annually. Given the foot traffic on MacMillan Wharf there is evidence to believe that a well conceived attraction located at 16 MacMillan could attract visitors well into the double-digit thousands if not higher. Suffice to say, the Long Point Marina offers a rare investment opportunity for the right buyer with a vision to capitalize on multitude of commercial possibilities or simply values the unparalleled views of one of America’s most beatifical and scenic harbor towns.
Market bid.
Contact Mike Howell at 508.691.6050 or 617.270.4905.